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yes it can. Its usually not heard of in elementary or middle schools except the usual "homework is to have lots of fun", but in high school you can get summer assignments for some classes. I have had them so its not impossible but I think its just reserved for advanced classes. usually AP or collage level courses....I am not sure about actual collage but i would think so. sorry to give you bad news.

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12y ago

I think it is legal to require it. But it is definitely not right. I had to spend 2 hours a day for 16 days doing summer homework. It was all summer reading homework and most of the time wasn't reading. It was a short book. I was writing.

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11y ago

This question is one that is really hard to answers. If you were to ask a student they would most likely say no. If you were to ask a teacher of a school administrator they would most likely say yes. If you were to ask parents each one would give you a different answer.

If you ask a student they would say no. For students summer is a time to have a break from school and be able to have fun. Most students use summer for their enjoyment. With these reason in mind you can imagine that a student would not want to uses their 'play time' for a massive over summer project, or even for a small over summer project.

Asking a teacher or school administrator would get you the opposite answer. Teacher and school administrators assign summer projects to help reduce 'summer brain drain'. Teachers believe that if you assign a project over the summer it will reduce the amount of information that students forget.

Parents would all answer differently depending on their views. Some parents side with the students view point where as others will side with the view point of the school. Of course there are also parents who would want their children to not have a project for other reason, such as getting summer job. There are also the parents who would want their student to have a project to keep them busy and out of trouble.

In short this is answer is greatly dependant on who you choose to ask.

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12y ago

No Teachers should never give homework over the summer

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It really depends, this is because children lose some of their learning skills, but summer is the time for students to rest their academic skills and have fun. So on my option, there should be no homework over the summer.