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no,he cant .as he should have all the basic knowledge.

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Q: Can children in yr 9 go to university?
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yes very good they r nice and my cosins have 1 and they have a 3 yr old girl a 9 yr old boy and a 7 yr old boy it is a good choice

Would it be ok for Taylor Latnor to go out with some 9 yr old?

Get over yourself!

Can an 9 year old get a six pack?

yes, a 9 yr old, 8 yr old or even a 7 yr can have one.

Can your 9 yr old niece go to a concerto of lady gaga?

I would like to straightly say "NO"

How much should a 9 yr old weigh?

i think that a 9 yr. old should weigh 60-90 pounds i weigh 85 pounds and i am 9

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I have seen a 9 yr old there...yea, so i dont think there is a age limit

What year groups are in each key stage?

ks 1 - yr 1 yr2 yr3 ks 2 - yr 4 yr 5 yr 6 ks 3 - yr 7 yr 8 yr 9 ks 4 - yr 10 yr 11 ks 5 - yr 12 yr 13 (sixth form)

Can you have your children in your bar?

well it depends on how old they are 9 and up can go. no kids 8 and under can go

How old do you have to be to go on brainsurge?

you have to be 9 - 16 years old to go on the Nick children's gameshow brainsurge.

How heavy should a 9 yr old be?

68 pounds

What is the best website for toys for 9 yr old?


What age does peer pressure end?

Maybe after yr 9