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Many lifting slings are made from the same material as a recovery strap used for pulling vehicles when they are stuck. Nylon is used for lifting slings and recovery straps in many instances. A flat sling is typically made of nylon where as a round sling is typically made of polyester. The nylon has more give and stretches when it is pulled. this makes it easier to pull a stuck vehicle out (think of a rubber band as it creates pull when stretched. A nylon lifting sling is used in a similar fashion.

Polyester webbing material is typically used on tie down straps and is not ideal for recovering vehicles. Polyester will only stretch about 2-3% before it breaks where nylon stretches at about 8%. Polyester is great for tie downs because you don't want stretch, but nylon is ideal for lifting and recovery because it is less likely to break when stretched.

The key is to pull the vehicles away from each other to create the stretch and then let the strap do the work when it snatches up the vehicle.

So, the answer is yes. By all means a nylon lifting sling would work great!

One last thing. Please be careful when you are pulling the vehicle out. Always attach to the frame and never stand near by. A strap under pressure is like a giant slingshot and can cause injury or death.

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Q: Can a lifting sling be used for pulling?
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