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hermaphrodites have both male and female organs.

A question like this is very individual dependent, and depends on the ratio of the maleness:femaleness in each- not all hermaphrodites are the same. Does that make sense? It's not like they are all 50% male and 50% female. Some are mostly male, and some mostly female. It would depend on whether the organs were functional, and how much of each hormone (there are at least 3 hormones involved in female menstruation) the person produces.

Theoretically, yes- a hermaphrodite could even get pregnant.

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13y ago

Human simultaneous hermaphrodites don't exist. Among lower orders, members of certain hermaphroditic species are capable of impregnating themselves, although it appears to be a last resort when contact with another of the same species is not possible or productive.
No. Most hermaphrodites, while they have some of the characteristics of each gender, do not have a fully working set of reproductive organs for either. In fact, hermaphrodites are almost always sterile, and unable to have children even with another person.

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12y ago

well no, a hermaphrodite is born that way.

The term is actually intersexed - when a person is born and they have the genes or physically appendages of both sexes. It can happen from broken chromosomes, from toxins deforming the fetus, it can come up randomly. There are a lot more people that are intersexed and we don't know it. Neither do they.

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