Yes off course your wife will enjoy it, just be careful in some certain positions because your are already longer than average.
If the relationship is OK, any penis will do. If the relationship is rocky, no penis will save it.
That's good. the average penis length is about 5-6 inches, so you're good.
peter girffin has a 6 inch penis while bradd pitt only has a 4 inch penis
The square root of penis is 2 inches divided by the contracting insid ethe penis. its the one of a kind 6 inch penis.
A 6 inch penis would be above average for a 14 year old.
I'm 15 and have a 6 and a half inch penis, it's above the average. An average man's penis is about 6 inches
Average for a adult is 5-6 inches.
no youre a freak
Way too small.
The average penis length in fully grown men is 5-6 inches.