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Actually, Arkansas' "emancipation" statute is called the "removal of disability of a minor"

9-26-104. Removal of disability of a minor.

(a) The circuit courts of this state or the respective judges thereof in vacation shall have the power to authorize any person who is a resident of the county and who has reached his or her sixteenth birthday to transact business in general and any particular business specified in like manner and with the same effect as if such act or thing were done by a person who had attained majority. Every act done by a person so authorized shall have the same force and effect in law and equity as if done by a person of full age.

(b) Letters testamentary, of administration, or of guardianship may be granted to any such person, if otherwise entitled by law to have or hold such fiduciary trust, with like effect as if granted to a person over the age of majority.

(c) The order of removal of disabilities may be made by the courts, or the respective judges thereof, in term time or in vacation.

(d) (1) The circuit courts of any county in which a nonresident minor of the State of Arkansas owns real estate, or any interest in real estate, shall have jurisdiction to remove the disabilities of minority of such minor where the person has reached sixteen (16) years of age, as to such real estate. This may be done to enable the minor to sell and convey the real estate, or any interest therein, which may be owned by the minor or to mortgage or otherwise dispose of the real estate, as fully and effectually as if the minor was of full age.

(2) The order of removal of disabilities may be made by the courts, or the respective judges thereof in term time or in vacation, and, if made in vacation, shall be entered at large upon the records of the court. (e) After the filing of a petition to remove the disability of a minor, the court shall fix a time and place for hearing the petition. At least twenty (20) days before the date of the hearing, notice of the filing of the petition and of the time and place of the hearing shall be given by the petitioner to any parent or legal guardian of the minor who has not joined in the petition. The notice shall be given in the same manner as is provided for summons under the Arkansas Rules of Civil Procedure.

Arkansas does not have an emancipation statute.

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9y ago

There is no official court process in New York for a youth to be declared 'emancipated'.

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17y ago

There is no emancipation status in Arkansas.

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Q: Can a 15-year-old get emancipated in New York?
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Can you get emancipated at 17 in New York and then move to Illinois and still be emancipated?

Since New York doesn't have an emancipation statute, the answer is no.

Can you get emancipated in new york state at age fourteen?

No, in New York State, you cannot get emancipated at the age of fourteen. The minimum age for emancipation in New York is 16. Emancipation is a legal process that allows a minor to be legally considered an adult before reaching the age of majority.

Can a 16 year old girl get emancipated in Volney New York?

No, there are no emancipation laws in New York that would allow this to happen.

Do you get any financial help when emancipated in new york?

only if you're a super hero

Can you move out in New York State without being emancipated?

In New York, Q. 1.2 Who can be considered an Emancipated Minor? Although there is no court proceeding in New York to have a young person declared an Emancipated Minor, New York Law recognizes the status of emancipation and the rights of emancipated minors. To determine whether a young person is emancipated, the following factors are critical: * The youth must be living apart from his/her parents; * The youth must be self supporting (may be receiving public benefits or child support if required by court order); * The youth is not in need/receipt of foster care; * The youth is living beyond the custody and control of the parent; * The youth is over the age of 16.

In New York does a 16-year-old male automatically become emancipated if he inpregnates a female?


Can a 15 year old be emancipated without going to court in new york?

No you have to go to court.

If you're Twenty years old and live in New york State how do go about getting Emancipated?

You are all ready there and considered an adult . The moment you turned 18 you were emancipated.

Does a 18 year old have to be emancipated in new york?

No, in NY an 18 year-old is considered as having reached majority (adulthood), and is automatically considered emancipated (assuming no disabilities). -J

Do your parents need to know if you get emancipated in New York?

Yes. By law they are required to be present during the court proceedings.

Is a parent legally responsible in New York state for a child of 18 years old that is married?

No. When married he/she is emancipated.

Can a 17 year old on probation in New York live on his own?

A 17 year old child that is on probation can not be emancipated in New York state. To become emancipated, a minor needs to prove that he is legally responsible, have income, continue school, and be able to provide for his own housing and food from his earned income.