"Blue" can be a noun (referring to the color) or an adjective (describing something as the color blue).
Blue is a color.
There is no separate Telugu word for Rhodium. It is Rhodium రోడియం in Telugu also.
dhondakaaya is telugu word...it is a vegetable category
another name forthe color blue is azure
The Telugu word for "kakdi" is "dosekaya."
The Telugu word for cranberry is "క్రాన్బెరీ" (kraanberi).
The Telugu word for ani seeds is "regimam" or "nafsu" in Telugu.
The German word for the color light blue is hellblau.
The Maori word for the color blue is "kikorangi."
The Telugu word for rosemary is "రోజ్మరీ" (rosmari).
The Telugu word for grandma is "నాన్న" (nanna).