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Baba Szeretlek te vagy a világ és nem tudok élni néküled

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Q: Baby i love you you are my world and i cannot live without you How can i say that in Hungarian?
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How do you say baby in Hungarian?

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Can you carry a baby without fallopian tubes and ovaries?

You cannot become pregnant but you could carry a baby.

How can a lesbian couple can have baby?

A lesbian couple cannot have a baby without one of the women being impregnated by a man.

Do turkeys need males to mate?

Of Course! You cannot have a baby without a male and female.

What do you give a baby lizzard?

This question cannot be answered without knowing the species of lizard.

Can a baby still grow without a heartbeat?

A baby without a heartbeat is considered borderline clinically dead - this is a medical emergency requiring immediate treatment. If the heart cannot be restarted, the baby may be declared dead.

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Male hamsters cannot give birth to a baby.

What if you have a baby but not pregnant?

You cannot birth a baby without sexual intercourse, fertilization of an egg, conceiving and actually beingpregnant. Biologically impossible!The only way to become a mother without pregnancy is adoption.

Does a female dolphin need a male dolphin to get a baby dolphin?

Yes, a female dolphin cannot sexually reproduce and have a baby dolphin without the male dolphin.

How do you be a baby on zwinky?

no you cannot have a baby

What blood type will the baby have if both parents have different blood types?

The baby will have some combination of the parents blood types. Without more information I cannot give you more specific info.

Did jeannie have a baby?

There are many woman named Jeannie in the world. While it is possible for many of them to have had a baby, it is impossible to know which woman named Jeannie has had a baby without knowing their last name.