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Your never too old, especially at 41 years of age. You have many more working years left. Just make sure you acquire a specific vision of the future you intend to create for yourself. A love for what you want to do! Then find a college or university that offers a program of study that will lead you to your specific career goals and objectives. If you are taking your bachelors within the US, make sure the college or university has a regional accreditation. With a regional accreditation you can be assured the coursework and degree you complete will be recognized by all other colleges and universities as well as employers. If you do not meet the requirements of a four year institution, you can start at a community college first and then transfer to the four year institution later and finish the last two years. So, there is nothing to stop you from pursuing the many doors of opportunity that are out there for you. If you have the vision and heart, you can do it.

Your never too old, especially at 41 years of age. You have many more working years left. Just make sure you acquire a specific vision of the future you intend to create for yourself. A love for what you want to do! Then find a college or university that offers a program of study that will lead you to your specific career goals and objectives. If you are taking your bachelors within the US, make sure the college or university has a regional accreditation. With a regional accreditation you can be assured the coursework and degree you complete will be recognized by all other colleges and universities as well as employers. If you do not meet the requirements of a four year institution, you can start at a community college first and then transfer to the four year institution later and finish the last two years. So, there is nothing to stop you from pursuing the many doors of opportunity that are out there for you. If you have the vision and heart, you can do it.

Your never too old, especially at 41 years of age. You have many more working years left. Just make sure you acquire a specific vision of the future you intend to create for yourself. A love for what you want to do! Then find a college or university that offers a program of study that will lead you to your specific career goals and objectives. If you are taking your bachelors within the US, make sure the college or university has a regional accreditation. With a regional accreditation you can be assured the coursework and degree you complete will be recognized by all other colleges and universities as well as employers. If you do not meet the requirements of a four year institution, you can start at a community college first and then transfer to the four year institution later and finish the last two years. So, there is nothing to stop you from pursuing the many doors of opportunity that are out there for you. If you have the vision and heart, you can do it.

Your never too old, especially at 41 years of age. You have many more working years left. Just make sure you acquire a specific vision of the future you intend to create for yourself. A love for what you want to do! Then find a college or university that offers a program of study that will lead you to your specific career goals and objectives. If you are taking your bachelors within the US, make sure the college or university has a regional accreditation. With a regional accreditation you can be assured the coursework and degree you complete will be recognized by all other colleges and universities as well as employers. If you do not meet the requirements of a four year institution, you can start at a community college first and then transfer to the four year institution later and finish the last two years. So, there is nothing to stop you from pursuing the many doors of opportunity that are out there for you. If you have the vision and heart, you can do it.

Your never too old, especially at 41 years of age. You have many more working years left. Just make sure you acquire a specific vision of the future you intend to create for yourself. A love for what you want to do! Then find a college or university that offers a program of study that will lead you to your specific career goals and objectives. If you are taking your bachelors within the US, make sure the college or university has a regional accreditation. With a regional accreditation you can be assured the coursework and degree you complete will be recognized by all other colleges and universities as well as employers. If you do not meet the requirements of a four year institution, you can start at a community college first and then transfer to the four year institution later and finish the last two years. So, there is nothing to stop you from pursuing the many doors of opportunity that are out there for you. If you have the vision and heart, you can do it.

Your never too old, especially at 41 years of age. You have many more working years left. Just make sure you acquire a specific vision of the future you intend to create for yourself. A love for what you want to do! Then find a college or university that offers a program of study that will lead you to your specific career goals and objectives. If you are taking your bachelors within the US, make sure the college or university has a regional accreditation. With a regional accreditation you can be assured the coursework and degree you complete will be recognized by all other colleges and universities as well as employers. If you do not meet the requirements of a four year institution, you can start at a community college first and then transfer to the four year institution later and finish the last two years. So, there is nothing to stop you from pursuing the many doors of opportunity that are out there for you. If you have the vision and heart, you can do it.

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16y ago
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15y ago

It's never too late. You have many more years left in the workforce. At the college I teach at the average age is 33. That's the average. Thus, we have students in their 40s, 50s, and 60s. Never let age be a concern. You will bring life experience into the classroom. In addition, organizations today appreciate the maturity, determination, and commitment of those who obtained their degree at a later date. I was one of them.

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16y ago

Your never too old, especially at 41 years of age. You have many more working years left. Just make sure you acquire a specific vision of the future you intend to create for yourself. A love for what you want to do! Then find a college or university that offers a program of study that will lead you to your specific career goals and objectives. If you are taking your bachelors within the US, make sure the college or university has a regional accreditation. With a regional accreditation you can be assured the coursework and degree you complete will be recognized by all other colleges and universities as well as employers. If you do not meet the requirements of a four year institution, you can start at a community college first and then transfer to the four year institution later and finish the last two years. So, there is nothing to stop you from pursuing the many doors of opportunity that are out there for you. If you have the vision and heart, you can do it.

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16y ago

yes, you should, you are not the only one my friend.

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4y ago

I EARNED my Bachelor's at age 50. Worked full time during it and went to school ALL summers. And auditioned on Broadway through it with two operations.

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