Depending on your context, to ask someone how they are in German would be as follows:
inf. Wie geht's dir? (How are you?)
form. Wie geht es Ihnen? (How are you?)
Alternatively you could ask a more informal question which is more similar to Are you okay?
inf. Geht's dir gut? (Is it going good?/Are you doing good?)
Okay can be translated as:Alles klar!In Ordnung!Einverstanden!Okay!
Mir geht's gut is the translation in German. It is translated from English to German. German is mostly spoken in the European countries.
Das ist OK Das ist in Ordnung
Generally from 22 to 26 inches, 75-95lbs.
Geht es Dir gut? Bist Du ok?
OK, is OK in German too. They tend to write it out as "okay", though.
lamb and rice
Ah okay, ich höre dich laut und deutlich.
In modern times- absolutely not. In the era of WWII Germany it depends. If you were German- then yes. If you were anyone else- no. You would have been hated.
I wouldn't say so. I work for German Shepherd Rescue UK and all of the dogs i have in moult like crazy, despite being brushed every day.
okay well to start off with there are 15 songs. but then there is the German version of monsoon which makes it 16.. :)