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Going to college is a normal process these days. Times have changed. Get your advanced education and make a better life for won't be sorry that you took the extra step. Don't be like me and wait until you are an old person who can't think anymore! Going to college is a normal process these days. Times have changed. Get your advanced education and make a better life for won't be sorry that you took the extra step. Don't be like me and wait until you are an old person who can't think anymore! Going to college is a normal process these days. Times have changed. Get your advanced education and make a better life for won't be sorry that you took the extra step. Don't be like me and wait until you are an old person who can't think anymore! Going to college is a normal process these days. Times have changed. Get your advanced education and make a better life for won't be sorry that you took the extra step. Don't be like me and wait until you are an old person who can't think anymore!

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16y ago

In general, individuals with higher education make more money than those who do not have that level of education. However, it's not so much the degree, but the person and his/her expertise behind the degree. Those who have trades can do very well also. For example, I am a professor at a college with three degrees, however, my son who is an electrician and owns his own business makes more money then I could ever hope to make as a professor. So, it depends on you and what your overall career goals and objects are. Word of warning!!! Money is not synonymous with job satisfaction. If you do not have a passion for what you do, you can make very good money, and be miserable while your making it.

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It serves as an advantage when it leads to you overall career goals and objectives, or self improvement.

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Q: Are you likely to make more money if you get a BS or BA degree?
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Traditionally it means you will make more money.

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The more education you get, the more money you are likely to make each year and over a lifetime

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The more schooling you have, the more you will be paid. You have to have atleast your High School diploma to get a job. I would get a college degree and pay it off with the money you make, because you will make alot more with a Degree in Medicine and Health.

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It would depend on whether or not they were private or not. Private would more then likely make more then government subsidized.

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the more education you get, the more money you are likely to make each year and over a lifetime

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Many people having this job make close to $70,000 per year. The more experience you have, the more money you will likely make.

How can you make money using pay per click?

You only pay every time someone clicks on your add, and the more site traffic you get the more likely you are to make money. So the benefits out weigh the cost!