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Q: Are there dining halls in the dorms?
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Related questions

What do the houses the scientists live in look like in Antarctica?

Scientists do not live in houses in Antarctica. Scientists sleep in dorms and eat in dining halls at the research station, and may spent their non-working time in field tents away from the research station.

If you have a group of three will you still be included in the dining hall the groups and the dorms?

I believe the answer is yes...

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Are Texas A and M dorms co-ed?

Texas A&M offers both Co-ed and single sex residence halls.

When officer enters dining hall do you call attention?

No. The command of "At ease!" is given in facilities such as dining halls, latrines, and hospital wards where coming to attention is not practical.

Where do people stay in Antarctica besides little houses?

There are no 'little houses' on the Antarctic continent. Scientists and those who work in support of science -- all temporarily -- eat in dining halls and sleep in dorms, and work in work areas. Tourists to Antarctica share hospitality services aboard the tour boats they sail to the continent.

Does Florida State University have dorms?

Yes, of course. There are many dorms on the campus of Florida State University. They offer suite style or community styles residence halls, with the option of getting a single, double, or triple dorm room. There are even apartment style dorms for upperclassmen.

How many rooms does Alnwick castle have?

47 bedrooms 24 bathrooms 3 libraries 2 large dining halls

What is air force bah for Airman First Class with no dependents?

As an Airman first clas you would not make BAH you would probably live in the dorms, and eat at the dining facility. Airman with no dependents dont move out of the dorms till they are Senior airman

What does the dining prefect do?

Dining prefects generally supervise and guarantee the efficient operation of dining halls, though their responsibilities may differ based on the organization or institution. They might be in charge of overseeing mealtimes, enforcing dining hall regulations, helping with food service, responding to student issues, leading by example, and encouraging a satisfying dining experience.

Does Fashion Institute of technology have dorms?

Yes..Alumni,Nagler and Coed Halls located on 27th St for freshman and Kaufman Hall on 31st street for returning students.

What do yale dorms provide?

Only graduate students at Yale can live in a dorm, and it does not provide much beyond wood-panelled walls, fireplaces, marble bathrooms and a dining hall with a vaulted ceiling on thick round piers. The undergraduates live in colleges, not dorms.