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im a teacher and i do it all the time just to scare the students

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Q: Are teachers allowed to call students smart buttocks?
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Why do teachers stress on proper uniform for students?

Because they want you to look smart, and they want you to be proud of your school.

Can smart class replace teacher?

well, i believe, yes actually. because smart class modules explain almost everything we should know. and ofcourse watching the videos and listening to the audio makes it interesting. and then, they have a certain standard, which a few teachers today don't. actually i believe that however interesting the smart class may be they can never repalce the teachers. the love and affection with which the teachers teach us and clear our doubts can never be replaced by the smart class. i don't mean that smart classes are absolutely useless but they can only help the teachers to teach and the students to understand the topic better, but, to some extent.

How does a teacher's temperament affect the students' behavior?

Any person willing to become a teacher is a very brave person. A teacher should be kind, caring, smart, sympathetic, and disciplined. Teachers should have good qualities that they can instill in their students. Students are very impressionable and teachers should take advantage of that in the best possible way. Teachers teach students how to respect and accept others for who they are not by their race or nationality. Any person willing to become a teacher is a very brave person. A teacher should be kind, caring, smart, sympathetic, and disciplined. Teachers should have good qualities that they can instill in their students. Students are very impressionable and teachers should take advantage of that in the best possible way. Teachers teach students how to respect and accept others for who they are not by their race or nationality. - Not these days teachers don't. They only want money- Governors don't realize how stupid can some teachers be. They should pass on bills that can help student and teacher's relationships. Ex. Bill that can give Groups of Student at age of 15+ have the right to evaluate their teachers, if teacher's standards are not met by the students, teacher will be fired. However, if students give false evaluation, students will be punished depending on whether they are guilty or not. In that way, many students will listen to teacher's words and teachers will respect their students.

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because he is a smart

Is Connie Talbot smart?

Yes Connie Talbot is smart. She performs her studies at a high level and is well respected by her teachers.

Are smart kids that are not nerds more respected in high school than in middle school?

If you mean more respected as in you are popular??? Than it depends. Be more specific like more respected by whom? Teachers, parents, other students?

Is it true that its not smart for students in the seventh grade to use WikiAnswers?

That is a false statement. It is smart for students in the 7th grade to use WikiAnswers. It is not guaranteed that their question may already be there and answered, but it is smart for them to at least try to use WikiAnswers.

Can eating nuts really makes you smart?

of cource no muts cant make you smart the only thing that can make you smart is paying attention during school and listening to your teachers

Why math teachers need to know about technology?

It is important for math teachers to be closer connected to technological resources for many reasons.Resources such as smart boards and projectors are useful in classrooms and can be used to boost understanding levels of students.Better communication with students can be developed if programs on the internet (email, moodle) are used.There are also many offline programs such as Geogebra which can be used to help explain the topics better and make the classroom a better learning experience for students.

Why should students take the PSSA?

Because they can become smart like albert einstein. They want to see how smart you are.

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Not all of them are, if they are though, it's due to their jealousy in how smart you are

Why do college students think you're childish if you like to watch cartoons?

Because they are book smart not common sense smart