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Q: Are private schools mainstream
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Does french school teach religion?

There are religious education courses in private religious schools. When the religious school is funded by state money (99.9% of private schools), the religious classes cannot be mandatory for pupils and schools cannot refuse to board pupils from other religions. In all junior high schools, public or private, there is a religion awareness class over a few hours where pupils are introduced to all mainstream religions.

Are the schools in Brazil public or private?

public,less private schools in Brazil

Why are private schools private?

Cause it is

What is a mainstream school?

a mainstream school is were all the special needs go to get all the attention they need. it is private and you will always no your child is safe

Is a teacher public or private sector?

Private schools teachers are private sector.Public schools = public sector. simple

Does Ireland have public or private school?

Ireland has public schools and Ireland has private schools.

How many private schools are in new york?

there are 80 private schools in New York

How is public schools different from private school?

In public schools, anyone can go there for free. In private schools, you have to pay to go there.

Are all private schools christian schools?


When was Rancho Solano Private Schools created?

Rancho Solano Private Schools was created in 1954.

Should you have preschools attached to mainstream schools or should they be independent?

they should be independent

What would a numerologist teach in high school?

No Numerology is not taught in mainstream schools.