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Q: Are mot dogs vicious to people?
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Are rottwielers vicious dogs?

Dogs are as vicious as their owners teach them to be.

What to do if you dog is vicious?

Most dogs bark when strange people are in the house, or people they dont know, and they growl and snap at other dogs. The biggest way to tell if your dog is vicious is if he or she snaps and growls and snaps at its owner.

Why are military dogs so aggressive?

The military dogs were trained to be aggressive when the police or military people made them attack criminals or robbers. When military dogs attack people everyday, they easily get angry and start getting vicious.

Why did Erin Hunter do cats?

She was going to do dogs but dogs seemed to cruel and vicious.

Who would win in a fight between a man and 3 vicious dogs?

It depends on the size and breed of the vicious dog, and the size, weight, speed, and strength of the man. 3 vicious dogs are stronger than one vicious dog, and one vicious dog of averaged sized is enough to kill a man. A man will not beat 3 vicious dogs since the dogs will bring down the hopeless man by biting force and body weights. Even if the man had a knife or a club, the man will still not beat the dogs when the dogs will attack together. If the man had a a rifle, then he can definitely take down the dogs.Another Answer3 medium dogs or 3 large dogs would beat a man, even if the man had a knife or a club.

Did people have dogs in the Victorian era?

Yes, they did. There are many references to dogs in the Victorian books I have read, varying from lap dogs, to hunting dogs and vicious guard dogs and watch dogs. In point of fact, people have have dogs since the beginning of written history and likely before that. Dogs and humans seem to have a natural affinity.

What are the traits of the dogs in call of the wild?

the dogs were vicious because their owners trained them to be that way!

Are pitt bull dogs vicious?

no breed of dog is vicious, the temperament of a dog is a direct reflection on the owner and how the dog is trained and raised

Are pitbull as vicious as every one says there are?

no the breed as whole loves people and need to please. They can get aggressive toward other dogs as they get old.

Are golden retrievers vicious?

No. Golden Retrievers are very nice and gentle dogs.

What breed of dog is most vicious?

In my opinion there isn't a most vicious dog, but from what background it comes from or from how it is brought up, or being treated badly. I have seen myself some vicious dogs and they come from bad background.

What symptoms do dogs have when they get hydrophobia?

They get vicious and if they scratch or bite you. You will get crazy, so avoid this disease.