Running, for all humans, starts off as aerobic. But, if, during a run/jog/workout, your body cannot continue to complete aerobic respiration, running then becomes anaerobic (aerobic and anaerobic meaning with and without oxygen). So, if you push your body enough, you will reach anaerobic running. The point at which running goes from aerobic to anaerobic is the anaerobic threshold.
Anaerobic is the opposite of Aerobic. Aerobic means 'with oxygen' whilst Anaerobic means 'without oxygen'
They are both types of respiration. Aerobic uses oxygen and anaerobic does not.
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The types of cellular respiration are aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration. Aerobic respiration requires oxygen and produces more ATP, while anaerobic respiration does not use oxygen and produces less ATP.
It is facultatively anaerobic
It is anaerobic.