They are an alleged species of aliens alpha draconis however does exist.
u get them by killing draconians at vasalkar lair
The draconians at Vasalkar Lair drop wings or you can buy then them from multiple shops. Only the water draconians wings are nonmembers, the rest are members.
from draconians (if you are lucky enough).
kill draconians
The real Alpha Pair of Razor Bloods on WolfQuest is Alpha Zoltare and Alphess Kaza Stone. The Razor Blood Website is if you want to join their you go
Chaos Gemeralds are dropped by Chaotic Draconians.
Just kill them until they drop the weapon you wanted.
You find it in dwarfhold click your map in the side it says dwarfhold
Daddy Yankee's real name Raymond Alpha
Draconians and the Chaorrupted Bear drop good stuff to sell.