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Q: Are 11th grade placement test hard?
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Are seventh grade placement test hard?

no 7th grade placement tests arent hard.

What grades take what standardized test?

In the US: PSAT: 11th grade (and sometimes 10th for extra practice). SAT: Usually 11th grade. PLAN: 10th grade. ACT: Usually 11th grade. AP Tests: 9th - 12th grades.

How do you prepare for UC placement test?

you have to study really hard

Answer keys to quick placement test?

There are many placement tests it's hard to find answer keys for just one.

How do you study for a 12th grade placement test?

There are study guides available. Check out Amazon or Barns and Noble.

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How hard is the 7th grade gate test?

Super Duper Hard So

Is the Selective High School Placement Test hard or easyfor year 6?

It is easy if you study hard and easy if you studied what they ask you.

How old do you have to be to not pay for high school in Missouri?

16 with parental consent. Actually GED's are the same as a high school deploma, most colleges will accept you, some will actually find a program that is right for you even if you do not have a high school deploma or GED. Although, taking the GED test is a bit hard. It depends on the grade level you are in. Example: You are in the 11th grade and you want to drop out and take your GED test, you will not have to take anything on the test that has anything to do with your past grade levels, you would only have to take it for the 11th grade year and the 12th grade year.

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9th grade algebra is nearly impossible. I have the finals test for it tomorrow and have no idea what i am doing. This test is going to ruin my life!

Is the NY 5 grade state test hard?

no, the only answer i have if you study hard, and yes if you dont care and did not study

Is the 7th grade taks test hard?

no only if you keep thinking it is then it will be. if you dont worry about it you will do fine