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Write sentences the way you speak - just pretend you are telling this to a friend, and write down what you would say. What would you tell them about this topic? Look up some facts! How would you explain unicellular organisms to your friend?

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Q: A paragraph about 10 different types of unicellular organism?
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What are the two types of cellular organization that an organism can be?

Unicellular and multicellular

What is a unicellular organism?

A unicellular organism is an organism that consists of a single cell. This cell carries out all the functions and processes necessary for the organism to survive, including obtaining nutrients, carrying out metabolism, and reproducing. Examples of unicellular organisms include bacteria, protists, and some types of algae.

What are two types of organism?

its the unicellular and the multicellular hope that helps u!

What are two types of advantages to being unicellular other than having many cells?

A unicellular organism is only one cell.

You want a picture of all types of unicellular and multicellular organism?

list two other unicellular organisms and give pictuers of each ?

What is an uni-cellular organism?

An unicellular organism is a living being composed of only one cell. These organisms carry out all essential functions for life within that single cell, including metabolism, growth, and reproduction. Examples of unicellular organisms include bacteria, yeast, and protists.

A single cell organism is also called?

A single cell organism is also called a unicellular organism. These organisms consist of only one cell that performs all necessary functions for life. Examples include bacteria, archaea, and some types of protists.

What is an organism made up of 1 cell called?

An organism made up of one cell is called a unicellular organism. These organisms are able to perform all functions necessary for survival within a single cell, including obtaining nutrients, reproducing, and responding to their environment. Examples include bacteria, archaea, and some types of algae.

What does unicellular organism mean?

A unicellular organism is an organism that consists of only one cell. This means that all the necessary life functions, such as feeding, reproduction, and movement, are carried out within a single cell. Examples of unicellular organisms include bacteria, protists, and some types of algae.

Is it mashurum a unicellular organisms?

No, "mashurum" is not a recognized term in biology for a unicellular organism. Most unicellular organisms are single-celled organisms that can function independently, such as bacteria, archaea, protozoa, and certain types of algae.

What do you give the name of an organism that has one cell?

An organism made up of only one cell is called unicellular. These organisms are typically microscopic and include bacteria, archaea, protists, and some types of fungi.

An organism composed of only one cell is?

An organism composed of only one cell is called a unicellular organism. Examples include bacteria, protists, and some types of algae. These organisms carry out all functions necessary for life within a single cell.