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i don't know t5he answer my self ...

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its thesis statement ( apex)

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Q: A one-sentence description of the main idea or argument that is in the introduction is called a?
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What is a beginning of a paper called?

The beginning of a paper is typically referred to as the introduction. It provides an overview of the topic, sets the context for the research, and introduces the thesis statement or main argument of the paper.

What is it called to have an argument?

To have an argument called Debate

What is the first paragraph in an essay called?

The first paragraph in an essay is typically called the introduction. It serves to introduce the topic to the reader, provide background information, and present the thesis statement or main argument of the essay.

What is a lawyer's closing argument called?

IT is called a closing argument

What is introduction called in Bengali?

Introduction is called "পরিচিতি" in Bengali.

What are the three paragraphs between the introduction paragraph and the conclusion paragraph called?

The three paragraphs between the introduction and conclusion paragraphs are typically called the body paragraphs. These paragraphs provide the main content or supporting points of the essay or paper. Each body paragraph focuses on a different aspect or argument related to the topic.

What is a dominant and controlling argument called?

A central argument is a dominant and controlling argument.

What is the introduction to a formal document?

The introduction to a formal document is called a preamble.

What is an introduction to a document called?

it is called the preamble.

What do you call a group of lawyers?

A group of lawyers is called an argument.

J L Mackie's version of the argument from simplicity is called the?

argument from queerness.

An argument that focuses on a single important or main idea is called?

unified argument