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'There was an old lady from Spain.'

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Q: A line ending in a stressed syllable?
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Which symbols of belief is the stressed syllable how can you tell?

The symbols of belief are the stressed syllable. You can tell which syllable is stressed in the word by looking for the symbol that looks like a small vertical line placed before the stressed syllable in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) transcription.

What is the stressed syllable in the word ambitious?

The stressed syllable in the word "ambitious" is the second syllable, "bi". In phonetics, stress is typically indicated by a vertical line ( ̆ ) placed before the stressed syllable. In this case, it would be written as /æmˈbɪʃəs/. The primary stress falls on the second syllable, "bi", making it the stressed syllable in the word.

Why is lief is the stressed syllable of belief?

In the word "belief," the stressed syllable is "lie" because it follows the typical English stress pattern of emphasizing the first syllable in a two-syllable word ending in a consonant + vowel + consonant pattern.

Is footprint a first stressed syllable or a second stressed syllable?

Footprint is stressed on the first syllable.

What is the stressed syllable of satisfactory?

The stressed syllable of "satisfactory" is the third syllable, which is "fac."

What is a stressed syllable for potato?

The second syllable (-ta-) is the stressed syllable in potato.

What is the stressed syllable in lightning?

The stressed syllable in "lightning" is the first syllable, "light."

What is the stressed syllable of contentment?

The stressed syllable in the word "contentment" is the second syllable, "tent."

What syllable of believe is the stressed syllable?

The stressed syllable in "believe" is the second syllable - "lieve."

Is tomorrow a stressed or unstressed syllable?

Tomorrow has a stressed first syllable ("to-") and an unstressed second syllable ("-morrow").

How many stressed syllables are in this line?

There is only 1 syllable for this word.

Is behave a first stressed syllable or a second stressed syllable?

Behave is stressed on the second syllable.