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Matching funds

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Q: A categorical-formula grant requires what?
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A categorical-formula grant requires?

Matching funds

Can felons get in to US Marine Corps?

Yes but it requires the grant of a waiver.

What loan requires you to make loan payments while attending school?

Pell grant

Which type of program requires state government to spend their own money to meet standards imposed on them by the federal government?

A: categorical grant B: block grant C: program grant D: formula grant E: unfunded mandate

Why is grant from aylesbury smell?

If you are around Grant from Aylesbury and you notice a smell coming from him, there may be several reasons. The odor could be coming from because he didn't bathe recently, or because he has a job which requires him to be in smelly area.

Do you need to apply for a school grant in order to get to a good college?

You do not! A school grant helps to reduce the expense or debt of the student paying for school. Getting into a good college requires good grades, dedication, and following their instructions for application.

What is a land grant in China?

In China, land grant is the process during which land users enter into land grant contracts with the government authority in charge of land, and pays land grant premiums in exchange for land use rights on state land for a fixed period of time. Chinese law requires that all land use rights for commercial use must be granted by bidding, auction or quotation on the open market.

What is Cooperative grant?

A cooperative grant is a type of funding provided to a group of organizations or individuals working together on a project or program. The grant is typically awarded based on a collaborative proposal and requires all parties to actively participate in the project's implementation. Cooperative grants promote teamwork, resource-sharing, and coordination among multiple entities to achieve common goals.

How do you use a building grant on CityVille?

Certain buildings require you to have building grants. Once your neighbors send them to you, they will sit in your inventory until you click to finish the building that requires the building grants.

Is a pregnant 16-year-old considered legally emancipated in Alabama?

No, being pregnant does not automatically grant legal emancipation in Alabama. Emancipation typically requires a formal legal process or court order.

What was the strategy developed by general Grant to cut off the supply lines to Richmond?

Grant put the city of Richmond under siege by essentially surrounding it and cutting off any supply route. The above answer requires more detail. In the Spring of 1864 Grant devised a strategy to cut Richmond's supply lines from the South. Five railroads led from the city of Petersberg to Richmond, Grant's plan was to destroy these and Richmond would surely fall. This strategy was placed in jepoardy and Richmond would live to see another day.

Who is Grant's mother?

Gloria Grant is Natalie Grant's mother.