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1 farad 1microfarad 1millifarad 1picofarad

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Q: A capacitor which stores a charge of one millionth of a coulomb when anEMP of one volt is applied has a value of what?
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What is the capacitance of a capacitor?

Capacitors are built to different specifications depending on application. The higher the capacitance the more charge the capacitor can store.The capacity to store electric charge, when a voltage is applied. Measured in Farad = Coulomb/Volt. In other words, if for every volt applied the capacitor stores 1 coulomb of charge, it would have a capacitance of 1 farad. In practice this is a huge unit, and the capacitance is usually expressed in micro-, nano-, or even pico-Farad.

Can a capacitor charge to its maximum by applying any voltage to it?

A capacitor can charge to its' maximum OR the voltage applied to it, whichever is LESS.

What does C in electrical language mean?

Capacitor (a passive electronic component). Or Coulomb (unit of electric charge).

If a 0.40-uF capacitor is connected to a 9.0-V battery how much charge is on each plate of the capacitor?

The units of capacitance are called farads. A one farad capacitor is a capacitor with 1 volt potential difference with 1 coulomb of charge on the capacitor, C = Q/V or Q=CV So the charge held on your capacitor is Q = CV = 9Volts * 0.40*10-6Farads=3.6*10-6 Coulombs

What is the difference between capacitor and capacitance?

A capacitor is a device that stores an electrical charge, or if you prefer- resists any change in voltage applied to it. Capacitance is a measure of the size or ability of a capacitor to do that. This is the Farad

What is bigger- a coulomb or charge on an electron?

One Coulomb is the charge of about 6,241,510,000,000,000,000 electrons, so it looks likea Coulomb would probably be bigger than the charge on one electron.

Why power rating of capacitor is reactive in nature?

A capacitor is composed of metal plates. Voltage is applied to one, which causes electrons to build up on the other. This is reactive in nature, thus a capacitor is reactive. It stores a charge, and releases this charge when the voltage decreases.

What is dimensional formula of coulomb?

The Coulomb is a unit of electric charge. [Charge] is a fundamental quantity.

Which is bigger a coulomb or charge if an electron?

A coulomb is bigger. Please also note that a coulomb is defined as a POSITIVE charge, while an electron has a NEGATIVE charge. Anyway, the magnitude of a coulomb is much bigger than that of an electron.

What is an importance of capacitance?

capacitor is a device to store charge .it is based on the concept that when the potential of the capacitor is decreased it can gain some more charge so Q = CV where V is potential and Q is the charge stored then C is the capacitance. capacitance is the ability of the capacitor to store charge. expression for capacitance is C=ɛA/d where ɛis permittivity and A is area of capacitor plates ,d is plate separation.

How does a coulomb of charge compares with the charge of a single electron?

the charge of 1 coulomb is the charge associated with 6.25 billion billion electrons

Are the coulomb and ampere both units of charge?

coulomb is the unit of charge and ampere is unit of current