

Why were slaves important to owners?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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11y ago

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They were used to make money for their owners.

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Q: Why were slaves important to owners?
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Why did slaveowners not tell their slaves their birthday?

Salve owners did not tell slaves their birthdays as they did not deem it to be important. Slave owners thought sharing this information with slaves was improper.

Why were slaves important for the economy?

the slaves were important because it helped the farmers and or owners pay for crops and other good and this helped the economy increase

Where did the slave owners buy there slaves?

The slave owners bought their slaves at auctions.

How many slaves did most slave owners hold?

depends. Plantation owners had slaves ranging from 20 to 100s. home owners had slaves as servants ranging from 1 to 3. the armies too had slaves. the number of slaves owned depended on the needs of the owners.

Why was it important it is for slave owners to keep slaves ignorant?

Slave owners kept slaves ignorant to maintain control and power over them. By restricting their access to education and information, slave owners were able to prevent slaves from becoming aware of their rights and abilities, making it easier to exploit and control them. Keeping slaves ignorant also prevented them from organizing or resisting their situation effectively.

Did slave owners have children by slaves?

Yes. Females slaves were raped by owners to give birth to Mulatos, which were slaves as well.

Why were the slaves important to there onwers?

They were important to the owners so they did not lose money. Slaves were used to do labor and hard work, they often knew more about running the plantation/farm than the actual owner.

Who punished the slaves?

trusted slaves or there owners

What can slaves do?

slaves can do anything their owners say they have to do.

Did slave owners pay slaves?

North Slave owners did pay their slaves, but south slave owners didn't. See the following link.

How did slave owners in the north prevent slaves from escaping?

There were no northern slaves or slave owners. That is why slaves went north when escaping with the Underground Railroad.

Why did slave owners kill their slaves?

because if you were under the age of 21 you weren't free so owners killed slaves to keep them as slaves