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million dollar question...since we use phrases like "the world has turned into a global village" etc the very purpose or psyche behind this phrase is a mindset that we the living people of the world are integrated thus this approach leads us to gather knowledge in our close proximity in the first instance and as the interest prevails we look for different dimensions for instance what is a nation state? what is our national interest? how can we get a perfect equilibrium through Balance of Power? what is the international parameters to adjudge certain issues and how the law of the land contrary to the international law? as the quest for knowledge increases the philosophy of need to know improves.

well this is my humble opinion, you might not agree with this, but this is what i believe.

Ahsan Mughal

Karachi Pakistan

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One reason to study international relations is to see how things done in one country or culture, had an impact on others. International relations also allows you to study the past which can help you to make decisions for the future.

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