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Q: Why stock is more valuable over time?
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What might be one reason a stock is more valuable?

If one unit of one stock costs more than one unit of another stock, that is utterly meaningless by itself. The stock is given some initial value - and this value is quite arbitrary.What matters much more is whether the stock goes up or down over time. The changes in price of a stock depend on supply and demand. If lots of people want to buy a certain stock, the price will go up. This, in turn, depends on the people's expectations, of how valuable the stock will be in the future.

What does AAPL Stock offer for services?

AAPL stock is the stock name for Apple, Inc. Just recently Apple was named as the most valuable company in the world. So, obviously AAPL stock has more to offer than any other stocks at this point in time.

What is the importance of the current stock price?

In isolation, the current stock price tells you how much money you have to produce if you want some of it. More important is the price of stock over time.

What is the importance of the current price on stocks?

In isolation, the current stock price tells you how much money you have to produce if you want some of it. More important is the price of stock over time.

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More valuable the source will be

What is a stock chart?

A stock chart is basically a visual on how prices compare over a period of time. These are often referred to as time series plots.

What time of the year do stocks fluctuate the most?

Stock don't tend to fluctuate more at any particular time of year. What is going on with the business or how many people are selling a certain stock have more to do with stock fluctuations.

Why is photographic evidence a valuable tool when studying history?

Photographic evidence is a valuable tool because it proves more than words. Photo's can prove someone, something or a certain place or building existed. Photo's can also show us things that have been lost over time such as old building that have fallen or a natural structure that just deteriorated over time.

Stock and flow concept in macroeconomics?

Stock concept doesn't have a time reference whereas Flow concept has time reference i.e. Stock concept gives the value at an instant of time while flow concept gives the values over a period of time.

What IS STOCK Concept and flow concept?

Stock concept doesn't have a time reference whereas Flow concept has time reference i.e. Stock concept gives the value at an instant of time while flow concept gives the values over a period of time.

Why was salt more valuable then gold?

It was a long time ago in africa because it was used to preserve food, make it more tasty, and it replaced salt lost when they sweat. Salt being more valuable is an opinion though, but for west africans, salt seemed more valuable