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Q: Why share market rise and falls?
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If demand falls and supply falls will equilibrium price rise?

In this case supply of goods surplus in the market and then their is cahnce to decreases in prices for the purpose of rises in demand.

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they are hoping the wealth will rise up and they will sell it for a higher price

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What is the function of a stock exchange?

stock exchange determines that the country is poor or rich. India also has a share market(stock exchange market) in Mumbai.The stock exchange falls or rises each day.

Which is the most moving share in commodity market?

Equity share is the most moving share in commodity market.

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avon's market share in india is 04.33%

How do you calculate evolution index?

(Market Share / Market Share LY) * 100

Is share market is capital market?

yes, share market is a capital market but secondary market as company has no direct contact with the share holders. persons deals in sharemarket through stock exchanges.

What is the Market share market growth matrix?

what are the four quandrants named in the BCG Growth-Market Share Matrix

What is the face value of the share?

Share can have mutliple values at a time. Face value of share is the value written on share document while market value of share is the value at which share is currently selling in capital market. For Example: when a new share issued by company value on share is $10 which is face value. After one year of issue of share, share is selling in market at $12 which is it's market value.

Meaning of stock market and share market?

Both stock market and share market refers to the same.It is a market where investors gather to buy/sell shares.