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Q: Why is the country's economy predominantly agricultural?
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What does it mean to say US has a service economy?

Economies have several types of businesses, such as agricultural, manufacturing and service. Agricultural and manufacturing businesses are self-explanatory. Service business are ones that provided services like telephone, sales, medical and the like to the economy. A country's economy is called a service economy if its businesses are predominantly service oriented as opposed to agricultural or manufacturing oriented. The US has more businesses that provide services to the public than farming or manufacturing businesses, therefore it is a service economy.

Which country has a predominantly command economy?


How is a hunter gatherer economy different from an agricultural economy?

The arrival of Spanish changed the economy of the California Indians from a hunter-gatherer economy to an agricultural economy.An agricultural economy is based on growing more food than Is needed for survival

Where does The agricultural region Argentina's economy depends on?

pampas landmark was the agricultural region argentina's economy was mainly dependent on..

What does 'agricultural economy' mean?

An economy based on farming the land.

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A predominantly agricultural and mining economy.

What does it mean to say the US has a service economy?

Economies have several types of businesses, such as agricultural, manufacturing and service. Agricultural and manufacturing businesses are self-explanatory. Service business are ones that provided services like telephone, sales, medical and the like to the economy. A country's economy is called a service economy if its businesses are predominantly service oriented as opposed to agricultural or manufacturing oriented. The US has more businesses that provide services to the public than farming or manufacturing businesses, therefore it is a service economy.

What does it mean to say US has a service economy?

Economies have several types of businesses, such as agricultural, manufacturing and service. Agricultural and manufacturing businesses are self-explanatory. Service business are ones that provided services like telephone, sales, medical and the like to the economy. A country's economy is called a service economy if its businesses are predominantly service oriented as opposed to agricultural or manufacturing oriented. The US has more businesses that provide services to the public than farming or manufacturing businesses, therefore it is a service economy.

Which country has a predominantly command economy?


What type of economy does mali have?

Mali has a freedom score of 55.5, making it the 122nd freest in 2014. Mali is ranked 21st out of the 46 other countries in the Sub-Saharan region.

How is a hunter gatherer economy different from an agricultural economy?

The arrival of Spanish changed the economy of the California Indians from a hunter-gatherer economy to an agricultural economy.An agricultural economy is based on growing more food than Is needed for survival

How did Reconstruction benefit landowners in the agricultural economy of the South?

How did Reconstruction benefit landowners in the agricultural economy of the South?

What kind of economy does Argentina have?

Agricultural economy or market

The strong agricultural economy of the south overshadowed the development of what?

the strong agricultural economy of the south overshadowed the developement of what?

Where does The agricultural region Argentina's economy depends on?

pampas landmark was the agricultural region argentina's economy was mainly dependent on..

What are the Economic developments in Rural development?

"Real India lies in Rural India", 'India is a land of 'villages', 'Rural economy is the backbone of the Indian economy', 'India lies in its villages', etc, are the perpetual and common slogans. India is predominantly an Agricultural Economy and the rural markets hold immense potentials for any company to expand.

What describes the Confederate economy?

The Confederate economy was primarily agricultural.