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The economy boomed because they were competing to get the most money, they were not the main reason though, the main reason is the science that people started to believe, instead of just religion

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Q: Why is the competition between wealthy patrons the most important cause of the renaissance?
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Why were the wealthy merchant families important to the Renaissance?

The Black Plague had wiped out most workers, so the wages of the survivors increased drastically, which resulted in the very wealthy merchant class. The merchant class had excessive wealth, and after the Black Plague, most survivors started to care about the present and about worldly things. Art was one of those luxuries. The merchant class became patrons of the art, which means that they sponsored many artists and supplied them with money so they could continue their work. The basis of the Renaissance was art, and the patronage of the wealthy merchant class was one of the main reasons why art was able to strive in that era.

What are the factors considered in organizing food service management?

The factors considered in organizing food service management are: 1. Patrons 2. Increase of occupation 3. The demand of modern life 4. Equipment/facilities 5. Nutritional factors 6. Capital/budget 7. Workers/personnel 8. Place

What is the definition for urban poverty?

There is no consensus on a definition of urban poverty but two broad complementary approaches are prevalent: economic and anthropological interpretations. Conventional economic definitions use income2 or consumption complemented by a range of other social indicators such as life expectancy, infant mortality, nutrition, the proportion of the household budget spent on food, literacy, school enrolment rates, access to health clinics or drinking water, to classify poor groups against a common index of material welfare. Alternative interpretations developed largely by rural anthropologists and social planners working with rural communities in the third world allow for local variation in the meaning of poverty, and expand the definition to encompass perceptions of non-material deprivation and social differentiation (Wratten 1995; Satterthwaite 1995a). Anthropological studies of poverty have shown that people's own conceptions of disadvantage often differ from those of professional experts. Great value is attached to qualitative dimensions More generally, there has been a widening of the debates on poverty to include more subjective definitions such as vulnerability, entitlement and social exclusion. These concepts have been useful for analysing what increases the risk of poverty and the underlying reasons why people remain in poverty. Vulnerability is not synonymous with poverty, but refers to defencelessness, insecurity and exposure to risk, shocks and stress. Vulnerability is reduced by assets, such as: human investment in health and education; productive assets including houses and domestic equipment; access to community infrastructure; stores of money, jewellery and gold; and claims on other households, patrons, the government and international community for resources at times of need (Chambers 1995, cited by Wratten 1995). Entitlement refers to the complex ways in which individuals or households command resources which vary between people over time in response to shocks and long-term trends. Social exclusion is seen as a state of ill-being and disablement or disempowerment, inability which individuals and groups experience. It is manifest in 'patterns of social relationships in which individuals and groups are denied access to goods, services, activities and resources which are associated with citizenship' (ILO 1996).

How can you determine the price of a night club?

You take into consideration the location, the net income it produces, the condition of any and all materials inside the night club, the type of clientele it has, the demographics of the area, how much will it cost for you to change motif or repair inside or outside. Remember this the best investment is the one that will make you the most profit over the shortest amount of time.' Remember also that when you buy a rest./bar/club or any business for that matter you are also buying the reputation of the previous owner, the impression it left on the patrons. So if you buy a place that didnt do too well, for what ever reason you will have alot to overcome. The public are creatures of habit and loyalty and stick to the comfortable and familiarity. Get a net working statement from the current owner, up to date, and see how much money has been brought in. Consider how much of an investment can you make to get it off the ground. Another thing is to get a value of how much the assests are worth, how much you'll pay out, bring in, need to operate, how much will you charge. This is alot of work to do for anyone, your best bet is to find a reputable, reliable, and highly profitable business broker. Different from a real estate broker. A business broker does all of the above and then some for a fee to make sure you are getting the most for your money at the least cost to you at a profit for themselves and you, if that makes sense. Good luck. The poster above brought up some good points. One of them was to hire a reputable business broker (not a real estate broker) and have them perform a complete business valuation on the business you wish to purchase. Many banks will not lend you money until you get an accurate assessment. If you lack the funds to invest in a broker, you can use one of several other methods; 1) rule of thumb (using industry benchmarks); 2) book-value (subtracting liabilities from assets); 3) earnings capitalization (determining an annual rate of return); and 4) tangible assets (putting a value on intangible assets such as a corporate name or brand). You can also explore what comparable businesses have sold for in your area. Again, your best bet is to hire a professional.

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Why were the the patrons important during the renaissance?

Because if there was no patrons then the artist would not have money to but paints or food

Why were patrons so important to the Renaissance movement?

The Renaissance period was a time of intellectual and artistic movements. Patrons were important because they provided support and funding to scientists, intellectuals and artists.

Why were patrons so important during the renaissance?

Because if there was no patrons then the artist would not have money to but paints or food

What were the main causes of the Renaissance?

1. declining power of the church 2. competition between wealthy patrons 3. fall of Constantinople 4. impact of the printing press

What were the 4 main causes of the Renaissance?

1. declining power of the church 2. competition between wealthy patrons 3. fall of Constantinople 4. impact of the printing press

The Medici family played an important role in the Renaissance because it's members were?

wealthy patrons of the arts (apex)

What is the relationship between artists and patrons during the Renaissance?

During the renaissance, patrons commissioned many different works of art for many different reasons, be it political propaganda or something similar. The relationship between patrons and artists was clear; the patrons held all the power, decided what was to be painted, in what style and by what date. However, as the renaissance moved through into later periods, artists gained more prestige and began to go against their patrons. Famous artists began to paint what they wanted, disregarding their patron's instructions. Overall, for most of the renaissance, patrons were well above artists in the relationship although this power balance shifted slightly later on.

The Medici family played an important role in the Renaissance because it's members were?

Wealthy Patrons of the arts.

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The effect of the medici on the renaissance?

they were patrons of the arts

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What was the relationship between artist and patrons during the renaissance?

The relationships between artists and patron is like a sponsor and one being sponsored. Patrons would buy art from the artistes and support them. <3 ma Evie