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Rationing is not bad in itself, in fact it is a good thing when necessary. It conserves resources and helps to ensure all get a fair share of what is available.

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Q: Why is rationing bad?
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Were the rationing effects on people at home good or bad?

nothing tehe


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Where did rationing happen?

Rationing happpend in Britain

Where can you find information about World War 2 rationing?

To find information on rationing you can go to To find information on rationing you can go to To find information on rationing you can go to

What was life like for the Britains after World War 2?

Bad. Rationing and recession were in effect for 5-10 years after the war

Did rationing affect children?

Rationing affected everyone.

What are some example sentences using the word rationing?

Rationing was done during World War II.We are rationing the chocolate during our diet.

How do prices act as a Rationing?

prices can not act as rationing device

Was there rationing during the Korean war?

No, there was no rationing in korean war

When did cloth rationing start?

Clothes Rationing started 2 years after food rationing! And it ended on 15 March 1949.

What was positive about rationing in world war 2?

rationing was seen ans a good thing as many people benifited from rationinf everyone got some food to fill them selves up during the war where as there are some parts that people saw rationing as a bad thing

Why was rationing called rationing?

because they couldn't go out and by it becauseof the bomb