its about 90% of the worlds rice
Absolute advantage: Vietnam can produce 1000 million tons of rice while South Korea can produce 800 million tons of rice => Vietnam has absolute advantage (since it can produce more than Korea) Comparative advantage: Same example: Vietnam and Korea. To produce 1 more tonnes of rice, Vietnam has to give up producing 3 cars. However, to produce 1 more tonnes of rice, South Korea only have to give up producing 1 cars. => There is a lower opportuniy cost for Korea to produce rice. i.e. South Korea has the comparative advantage.
Rice is the main food staple for all Asian countries.
Rice prices must be kept within reach of the poorest people.
According to the USDA, 3.04 million acres of rice were harvested in the 2000-01 season, with a yield of 6,281 pounds per acre
It is a wrong and misleading assumption. Pakistan is one of the biggest exporters of rice and there are thousands of large rice fields in Pakistan. Shaikhupura and Faisalabad areas produce large quantity of rice and one can witness rice fields which cover hundreds of acres of area fully cultivated with rice.
It is not HARMFUL, but will definetley give you a terrible stomach ache, if eaten in large quantity it could be harmful.
I am actually having problems digesting a large quantity of rice. So I suspect is hard for some people to break it. It has a huge amount of calories and carbohydrates and maybe it is not so light after all.
No, it's far too dry in the desert to produce rice.
Rice is a seed. If it didn't produce them there would be nothing to harvest.
Because they cannot produce some of the important products like rice,flour,etc
Yes, rice plants do produce flowers. The flowers of a rice plant are small and inconspicuous. After pollination, the flowers develop into seeds, which are the grains of rice that we commonly eat.
Uh ha. you mean a rice bean. Yeah a lot of rice bean can produce in a year
That depends on the weight/quantity of rice and broccoli. For the calories in rice, and the calories broccoli, by weight/quantity, please see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.
with minerals of rice...