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Fair trade is good because it produces products that are fresher, yummier, healthier and most importantly help third world countries

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Q: Why is fair trade a good thing?
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Is there such thing as fair trade curry?

To have Fair Trade curry you have to make it, so yes there is such thing. But you make the curry with Fair trade ingredients.

Is fair trade good?

fair trade is good because people who engage in it also aim to pay their workers a fair price. fair trade is not bad but very good

Is fair trade a good or bad thing for the coffee industry?

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Why is fair trade so good?

Fair trade is good as it involes everyone, from glaciers to people in bhopal.

What are the good points of fair trade?

good points about fair trade is that farmers will get credit for the food ect. they produce

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When did fair-trade start and what was the first product to sell?

fair trade started in Germany and the first thing to sell was Mexican coffe

Why is it a good thing for farmers in poorer countries to belong to Fair Trade organisations?

so farmers can get fairer prices for their goods that they produce.

Why is it a good thing for farmers in poorer countries to belong to fair trade organisation?

so farmers can get fairer prices for their goods that they produce.

Who could be affected by fair trade?

It would be some of the Africans/ sellers of the products beacuse not always a good deal can be worth it and they may need some of the products such as the fair trade chocolate, they may need the cocoa to do different things and eat and although you may thing it is fair trade there can be alot of dirty/threatening deals too.

Why do people like fair trade?

"i like fair trade because of the food and items" "I like fair trade because when I eat their products it makes me feel good, that I am helping workers and farmers by just eating/using something with the fair trade logo"

Why is fair-trade cotton a good idea?

because it is