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Because it is.

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Q: Why is coal expensive?
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Is coal expensive to get?


Is coal expensive?


What is the most expensive type of coal?

Anthracite is the most metamorphosed type of coal (but still represents low-grade using only the more expensive anthracite coal in its passenger locomotives,

Is coal an expensive source of energy?


How expensive is it to produce coal?

Its very expensive to produce coal. If you want to produce it, you have to spend millions on drills and also pay the costs of your company. Who the heck is asking this anyway?

How much does oil and coal energy cost?

Oila nd coal are very expensive. They cost very large.

How much does coal cost?

Coal, despite what is said, is abit more expensive than what most people say it is, for example; be good or you'll get a lump of coal for your birthday/Christmas etc. it's more than that, we need it, therefore it's expensive.

Why do people burn coal to produce energy?

Coal is less expensive than oil and will be more plentiful in years to come

Is hydroelectric power more expensive than coal and oil?

no it is cheaper

Why China choose to use coal as their major energy sources?

Because coal makes a really good source of energy and is not that expensive.

Is solar power better then coal power?

Solar power is more environment friendly than coal power. Solar power is, however, more expensive than coal power.

Why won't Scrooge allow his clerk to take more coal?

At that time in Victorian Britain coal was very expensive. Scrooge was against burning a lot of coal which in effect was burning money