The GNP of Tajikistan is about 5,613 million US Dollars.
The 2008 GNP of France is: 1,543,000,000 or 1.543 Billion US Dollars
About 15 trillion US dollars.
234,678,995,000 us dollars
18,000 US dollars
The US's GNP measured in constant 1939 dollars rose from $88.6 billion to $135 billion in 1945. Using current dollars the increase came to $220 billion.
GDP Total: 182 343 000 000 US dollars Per capita: 8 165, 83 US dollars
What is the GNP in US of the Philippines in the year 2007?
About 1% of the US Gross National Product (GNP) is from agriculture.
$65.61 trillion US dollars. Source: the CIA World Factbook. It's an estimate; they didn't actually count.
The short answer is that they didn't. GNP and GDP are to different economic indicators. They are however related. However I have noticed that a lot of US statistics prefer to GDP rather than GNP to describe US economy. A reason given by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in 1992 "GDP corresponds more closely than GNP does to other indicators used to analyze short-term movements in the U.S. economy, such as employment and industrial production." GNP = GDP + NR GDP = consumption + investment + (government spending) + (exports − imports)
The Gross Domestic Product of Cambodia is $8.69 billion US Dollars. (2007 IMF statistics).