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It has increased because the primary sector and secondary sector have decreased. They have decreased because machines have taken over the employees jobs, and so they find work in the tertiary sector. Also because more products are being made every day, and these need places to be sold. the primary sector has decreased rapidly through time, from 1980 to 2002 the employment rate for primary industries has decreased by over 65%.

the secondary sector has decreased but first off it increased, and the tertiary sector anly came along way after all of this because most people used to grow their own food and stuff.

Katie,ashleigh and Nicole in buisness <3

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Jude Beatty

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Q: Why has tertiary sectors increased?
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god knows does anyone have the naswer to it

Is the tertiary sector declining?

no, the tertiary sector is certainly not declining, in fact, it is growing at a great rate due to the higher demands for goods, therefore, tertiary sectors need to provide my services to secure this demand. :)

What general categories of jobs fit under primary secondary and tertiary sectors?

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