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to gain trade monopolies resulting in getting rich

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Q: Why did the Italian states gain wealth from crusades?
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How did Italian city states gain wealth?

by mining gold

How did Italian city states gain there wealth?

by mining gold

What were two motives for the crusades?

some motives for joining the crusades, where to gain wealth, to be forgiven your sins by helping the pope, and to have an adventure and prove your bravery.

Italian states particated in the crimean war to gain asstsiance from?

Italian states participated in the Crimean War to gain assistance from France.

Italian states participated in the Crimean War to gain assistance from who?

Italian states participated in the Crimean War to gain assistance from France and Britain in their struggle for independence and unification.

Itanlian states participated in the crimean war to gain assistance from who?

Italian states participated in the Crimean War to gain assistance from France.

Why did the poor knights go on the crusades?

The poor knights went on the crusades to fulfill their sense of religious duty, seek adventure, gain land or wealth, and potentially improve their social status. Joining the crusades offered them opportunities for personal advancement and a chance to participate in a significant historical event.

Why did Venice gain so much wealth after the crusades?

Venice gained so much wealth after the crusasdes because Venetians women were so hot. They either became sex slave or prostitute and made a lot of money :)

What is a nonreligious reason for the Crusades?

A nonreligious reason for the Crusades was the desire for political power and expansion of territories. Many leaders and nobles saw the Crusades as an opportunity to gain wealth and land, increase their influence, and consolidate their power in the region. Economic motivations, such as trade opportunities and access to resources, also played a significant role in the Crusades.

Christians were promised all of the following EXCEPT to get them to join the Crusades.?

Christians were promised a number of things to make them join the crusades including forgiveness and a spot in heaven.

How could a nation gain wealth through mercantilism?

It could gain wealth because Empires are so stupid they give out money. They basically gain wealth STUPIDITY!!! THEY GAIN WEALTH BECAUSE THEY JUST DO!!! LOL!

What was a non religious reason for the crusades?

One non-religious reason for the Crusades was the desire for land, wealth, and resources in the East. Many nobles and knights saw the opportunity to gain power and influence by taking control of valuable territories in the Holy Land. Economic factors such as trade and commerce also played a role in motivating participation in the Crusades.