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Because fossil fuels are dinosaurs that take millions and millions of years to form under extreme conditions. 1: no one has a million yrs to wait 2: There are no motr dinosaurs

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Q: Why cant the supply of fossil fuels be increased?
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What would happen if people keep using fossil fuels?

If you keep using fossil fuels it there will be no more and you cant give off energy.

How can you burn fossil fuels in a way that you good for the environment?

You cant, once fossil fuels is burned, the atoms in the fuel is split and produces greenhouse gases

Why is it important to conserve fossil fuels?

Conserving fossil fuels is important because they are finite resources that take millions of years to form. Overuse can lead to depletion, causing energy shortages and increased prices. Additionally, burning fossil fuels releases greenhouse gases, contributing to climate change and air pollution.

Why cant fosil fuels be replaced in a persons lifetime?

fossil fuels are a non-renewable resource meaning once it is gone it's gone. fossil fuels come from dinosaurs fossils and those went extinct a million years ago so that is why they can't be "replaced".

Why are fossil fuels a nonrewable energy source?

Because it cant be used again once it's first used

Why cant carpooling and using mass transit systems eliminate the problems associated with fossil fuels?

Carpooling and using mass-transit will only reducenot eliminate the amount of fossil fuels used. Since your still using a car, the car will require gas which is a fossil fuel.

Why cant we not make new fossil fuels?

because fossils have to get crushed naturally for millions of years to make the special liquid.

Why has the amount of fossil fuels used increased?

The amount of fossil fuels used has increased due to growing global energy demand, reliance on fossil fuels for transportation and electricity generation, and limited availability of alternative energy sources. Additionally, technological limitations and infrastructure investments have made it challenging to transition to cleaner energy sources at a faster pace.

What is the name of fossil fuels that cant be identified?

Petrol kerosene bitumen diesel paraffin wax lubricating oil l p g

What is the name for energy sources that are limited and will run out?

the most commonly known energy source that is nonrenewable (which means it cant be replaced) is called Fossil Fuels, the reason it cannot be replaced is because they take millions of years to form.

Why cant you use fossil fuels at the same rate were using them now?

Using them isn't the problem; burning them is--and it is killing the planet, releasing unsustainable amounts of CO2.

Why isnt it correct to say that fossil fuels make thermal energy?

Bcuz when they r both extracted from the ground fossil fuels cant MAKE thermal energy if they both r from the same place like for example a wolf and a tree is a habitat a bit u cant say a wolf makes a tree or a tree makes a wolf bcuz it'll make no sense they have their own way to make others the same as it is....!