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Cash crops are crops normally grown to be sold for profit. Peanuts and rice can fall into that category, and usually do.

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Darien Renner

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2y ago
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Q: Why are peanuts rice called cash crops?
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Why are peanuts and rice called cash crops?

Cash crops are crops normally grown to be sold for profit. Peanuts and rice can fall into that category, and usually do.

2 main cash crops in the Southeast region?

Well some important crops in the southeast are oranges,rice ,and peanuts .

What cash crop do farmers of the Sahel raise?

The cash crops produced in Africa are peanuts, cotton, tobacco, coffee, cocoa, sugar, rubber, palm oil, tea, and timber. These crops are similar to what the Africans would have been forced to cultivate when the countries were under various European rulers.

What were the major cash crops in the south?

The main cash crops in the south were rice, tobacco, and indigo.

What were the cash crops in the middle colonies?

The 3 cash crops in the middle colonies were rice, indigo, and tobacco.

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There was cash crops such as tobaco rice and indgo.Crops that Colonial Georgia grew were varied. However, the most popular crops were tobacco, indigo, and rice.Rice, Indigo, Cotton, and TobaccoTobacci, indigo, and rice ... along with the silk industryRice and indigo were the two main cash crops in colonial Georgia, and sugar and tobacco were important as well. Colonial Georgia existed from 1732 to was rice

What are the main crops grown in the southeast region?

Peanuts, rice, Oranges, hay

What were 3 major colonial cash crops?

Tobacco, Rice, and Indigo were the top 3 major cash crops.

What were the important cash crops in the southern colonies?


Tobacco and rice can be best described as?

Cash crops.

What cash crops are grown in tide water plantations?


What are the cash crops of Bangladesh?

The main crops grown are rice, corn, wheat, jute and tea. Hope this helped. =p