

Who were the mercantilists?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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Q: Who were the mercantilists?
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What do mercantilists advocate that a nation do?

A large supply of bullion

What basic assumption did mercantilists hold about their colonies?

Lick a nut

Did Mercantilists assume that the colonies only existed to enrich the mother country?


What did the mercantilists believe?

Mercantilism is the belief that colonies exist for the benefit of the mother country.

According to mercantilists the prosperity of a nation depended on?

a large supply of bullion, or gold and silver.

What is Mercantilists?

a policy based on on the idea that a country should sell more goods than it buys

How were the physiocrats different from the mercantilists?

physiocrats focused on econimic reforms where as mecantilists focused on expoting more than importing

What did mercantilists believe?

They believe in the use of colonies for the benefit of the mother country, otherwise they tip the trade so it benefits the mother country.

What do mercantilists believe?

They believe in the use of colonies for the benefit of the mother country, otherwise they tip the trade so it benefits the mother country.

Why did mercantilists believe that nations should set up over seas colonies?

because. They farted

Mercantilists stated that a country's wealth and strength came from the ability to?

A country's wealth and strength depended on the ability to balance its trade. According to the mercantilists, trade shoud be controlled by the government , a balance should be maintained so that a country would export more goods than import from other countries. A country should exploit national resources - from home or colonial territories. They considered gold -or bullion was considered as all-important in a balanced economy.

What do mercantilists believe a country should do?

A colony or territory should benefit the "mother" nation. Should be more imports than exports. Hard cash (gold, silver) is most valuable.