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I think the quote is "by failing to plan, you're planning to fail" I could be wrong, and I think its by Abraham Lincoln, but I could be wrong. :]

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Q: Who said nobody plans to fail they fail to plan?
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What is the importance of effective communication in the global context?

Yes I agree that the aspect of context is the play ground on which we must plan design and communicate our message successfully. context refers to the seting in which communication takes place. The context helps establich meaning and can influence what is said and how it is said.

How much is 59.99 in EC dollars?

1) There is no such thing as 'EC dollars'. I assume you mean Euros (symbol '€'). 2) You haven't said 59.99 what. Unless you say what currency it is nobody can convert it. There are lots of currency conversion sites online. Google can also convert.

What did Milton Friedman mean when he said there is no such thing as a free lunch?

Simply put, it means that nothing is "free" since somebody has to pay for it. Basic economics require that whenever goods or services are required, somebody has to pay for it. If nobody pays for it, someone (you) will eventually go broke.

Under obamas tax plan if you are a small business owener and grossover 250000 do you pay taxes that or your Owen income under 250000?

I haven't seen details on Obama's tax plan. Increasing the maximum tax rate is actually historically a good thing, but only if the bracket is raised so that only the really wealthy pay that maximum rate. Barack Obama has stated numerous times that only the taxes of those making over $250,000 a year will go up. Joe Biden has said $150,000. Either way, the taxes will be paid on whatever your INCOME is, not the gross of your business.

Do you say assumption to the throne or on the throne?

I always said "assumption to the throne" but just to confirm that, I checked with Google. There were about 46,000 pages that said "assumption to the throne" and only 3 that said "assumption on the throne".

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Nobody plans to fail they just fail to plan?

That's true. Though after a few times failing, for lack of planning, I think it can be said that the very act of not planning is itself "planning to fail".

Who said No one ever plans to fail they just fail to plan?

Winston Churchill

Who said failures dont plan to fail they fail to plan?

Harvey Mackay said, "Failures don't plan to fail; they fail to plan."

Who said the quote if you fail to plan then plan to fail?

I believe the quote is actually "If you fail to prepare then you are preparing to fail" and it would be Benjamin Franklin.

What is the meaning of if you fail to plan you plan to fail?

The meaning of the phrase "if you fail to plan you plan to fail" simply means if you do not plan out, it is recipe for failing. It means to plan out before you do something, think it out so to speak.

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Any perceivable goal could be achieved by suitable and feasible plan as it is said that usually we fail to plan but a good plan never fails .If we succeed without plan it will be a by chance achievement.

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He said his name was nobody, so when the monsters said "who did it" the monster said nobody did it

Do you fail to fail but suceed to suceed?

No you succeed to fail and succeed to succeed,and you fail to succeed.But if you succeed, but you meant to fail, then you had to of failed to fail, thus what you said is incorrect.Paradox anyone?

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Most companies, and even families, have security plans. A security plan should identify possible threats, analyze said threats as to plan strategies to reduce the chances of those threats happening, and a plan ready in case one of the threats does occur.

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nobody....shakespeare said to b or not to b

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