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You have to look at the arrangements that were made when the life estate was created. Usually, the life estate reverts to the original owner, or to whomever the original owner named as heir. There is no fixed answer. But what should be clear is that the life estate, whatever it included, ends at the death of the person who holds it.

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Q: Who gets the money from crops of a farm when the person having the life estate dies?
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No, not unless they have signed a joint mortgage (you borrowed money jointly) with the deceased sibling.A dead person's debts are settled out of the person's estate. If the estate does not have enough money to settle the debts then they "die" with the person.

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Not if the money was meant to be an inheritance or gift to that person. If the deceased promised the money in payment for a debt, and there is a valid contract, the creditor can get the debt from the estate.

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It means that the money will be going to a trust or estate instead of an individual person. The estate can represent one or more individuals or just be an entity of itself.

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The money would go into their estate and would pass according to their will. If there is no will the money would pass as intestate property according to the laws of intestacy where the estate is probated.

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Money is considered personal property and personal property is part of a person's estate.

Can you spend money out of an estate if a notice to creditors of death was never published?

No, you have to follow the legal procedure before the estate can be settled. If a person uses the money form an estate without going through these procedures they are committing a crime and will be liable for the losses to creditors.

What happens to your money when you die in the UK?

If you die without having any relatives, and have not left a will - your estate goes to the treasury.

What type of tax is paid on money property and other valuables by a person who has died?

estate tax

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Yes, their 'estate' is still owed the money.