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Q: Who founded 'Investor's Business Daily'?
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Why would investors tend to favor a new business is this preference justifiable?

the seasonal business investors invest in business depending upon the market conditions while regular investors invest on the basis of strategic planning of future . Preference is justified because business depends on planning.

Has been an effect of AIG's risky business practices?

Its investors were hurt as stock prices plummeted.

Where would you find an entrepreneur?

Running a business that he founded.

Why do investors bother to look at the historical performance of a company when future behavior is what really counts?

This is simply because investors will have to look into past activities of the business such as the y business trend analysis to know the various performance of the business and based on this they can make future projections about the company to note whether it is profit worthy and as such there is a need to invest in it or to neglect the venture. Investors contribute a lot of funds into the running of business and will need to measure their risk of investing in the business. The only information that would be readily available to investors will be past records or historical data, which shows the true reflection of the business in terms of performance, profitability and productivity. An investor can only make decision to invest when he has knowledge of the trend within which the business has operated over the years, and this would therefore help make better future analysis of the business since history tends to repeat itself, If the company knows what it was doing in the past it is more likely to perform in the future

What is the newsstand price for Investor's Business Daily?


Related questions

How can one purchase a subscription to Investor's Business Daily?

One can purchase a subscription to Investors Business Daily online direct from Investors Business Daily. One may also consider purchasing a subscription on Amazon.

Where can a investors business daily subscription be purchased?

A subscription to the print form of Investor's Business Daily can be purchased directly from the INVESTORS website. The price for a one year subscription is 329.00.

Who was the founded of IG Index?

IG Index was founded in 1974 by a man named Stuart Wheeler. It was originally a spread betting business where IG stood for Investors Gold. It is based in the UK.

When was Federated Investors founded?

Federated Investors was founded in 1955 and incorporated October 18th, 1957. It was headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and founded in part by John F. Donahue.

What is the Importance of investors in a firm?

Investors provides the funds (business capital) which the company uses to operate. With no investors there is no business.

When was the Massachusetts Investors Trust founded?

The Massachusetts Investors Trust was started in 1924

What type of business is InvestSMART?

InvestSMART is a business that specializes in assistance to retail investors in the matters of stocks, bonds, and other investment options. Based out of Sydney, this Australian company was founded in 1999.

What role do investors play in your business?

Investors monitor the running of a business and protect their money

Was the Massachusetts Investors Trust founded in 1924?

The Massachusetts Investors Trust was started in 1924

How do you start a business with no money?

By finding investors. Where are these investors

What are false about Georgia?

The colony was founded by investors

What is an Israel-facing company?

An Israel-facing company refers to businesses that were founded in Israel / have R&D in Israel / do business in Israel / and investors in Israeli companies.