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Francis Galton developed the theory of Eugenics

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john dalton developed the atomic theory , which he published in 1803

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Adam Smith developed the theory of classical capitalism.

Who developed the story of realativity?

Albert Einstein developed the theory of relativity. He first proposed the special theory of relativity in 1905 and later developed the general theory of relativity in 1915. These theories revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and gravity.

What instrument was necessary before cell theory was developed?

The instrument that was necessary for Cell Theory to be developed is the microscope.

Which scientist developed the geocentric theory?

The Geocentric Theory was developed by Greek astronomers. The theory was that celestial bodies moved around Earth in circular paths.

Who developed the theory of evulution by natural selction?

British scientist Charles Darwin (1809-1882) developed the theory of evolution (the theory that living organisms developed slowly over long periods of time).

What is the name of Einstein's theory he developed in 1905?

The theory is called the Special Theory of Relativity.

Who developed the first scientific atomic theory?

john dalton developed the atomic theory , which he published in 1803

Who's theory was relativity?

The Theory of Relativity was developed by Albert Einstein.

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No such thing as the big band theory

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