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commodities futures trading commission

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Q: Which of these agencies regulates commodity exchanges and trading in agricultural metal and other commodities?
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Who regulates commodity exchanges in trading in agricultural metal and other commodities?


Regulates commodity exchanges and trading in agricultural metal and other commodities?


Which regulates commodity exchanges and trading in agricultural metal and other commodities?

The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

Who Regulates commodity exchanges and trading in agricultural metal and other commodities?

CFTC... Commodities Futures Trading Commission

Who are regulators of sensex?

Securities & Exchanges Board of India - SEBI regulates the Sensex

Name of the body which regulates the stock exchanges in India is?

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)

Who regulates safety of meat and other agricultural products?

DEFRA in the UK, oversees Environmental, Food and Agricultural issues.

Which companies specialize in commodities futures trading?

Commodoties futures trading involves buying and selling contract for the future delivery of raw materials e.g oil, gas, grain. Its regulates in the US by the Commodity Future Trading Commission and the main companies operatin in this arena are Orion Futures, Cannon Trading and United Futures.

Discuss the function of SEBI?

SEBI regulates the business that happens in the Indian stock exchanges and other securities markets in India.

What organization regulates the sale of stock in corporations?

In India it is SEBI - Securities and Exchanges Board of India In USA it is SEC - Securities Exchange Commission

What is the roll of SEBI in stock exchange?

SEBI is the regulatory body of the Stock Markets in India. It registers and regulates the functioning of various intermediaries viz, Stock exchanges, Depositories, Merchant Bankers, Brokers, FIIs etac. As Stock exchanges is one of the intermediary. hence SEBI gives registration to the stock exchanges and regulate their functioning..

Name two governmental agencies that regulate organic solvents?

There are two governmental agencies that regulate organ solvents. The first agency is the USDA which regulates agricultural issues, and the EPA which regulates environmental issues.