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The pound is worth more than the Euro.

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Q: Which is worth the most 1 euro or 1 British pound?
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Why is the Euro exchange rate against the pound so bad that you were getting 1.44 last year and now it is as low as 1.27?

As with most currencies, both the British pound Sterling and Euro vary in value depending on their economy and demand for the currency. In recent months the Euro has increased in value while the British pound and US Dollar have plummeted in value due to a weakened economy. It therefore costs you more British pounds to buy a Euro.

What are the top five most powerful currencies?

1. British Pound 2. Euro 3. Canadian Dollar 4. US Dollar 4. Australian Dollar *the Australian Dollar and US Dollar are currently worth the same*

Currency for the European countries?

Most countries use the currency of EUR (euro), but some of them have their own currencies, like the British Pound or the Czech Crown.

What would one pound buy you in Victorian times?

The British pound of the Victorian Era was the most valuable currency in the world. It was worth about 100 times more than what it is worth today.

What type of currency is mainly used in Europe?

euro in most of Europe or pound in Britain

How much is a Frank?

Several nations use or used francs (please note spelling). The best known was the French franc, which used to be worth about 10 to the British pound. The French now use the Euro, as does most of Europe. The other francs have widely differing values.

What countries use the British pound?

The British pound (symbol: '£', code: 'GBP') is used in the United Kingdom and most of its overseas territories.

How much a million British pound is worth is US dollars today?

It really depends when you ask! It changes every day. The most recent exchange is $1,587,251.20,

How many countries use great british pound?

The British Pound (symbol: '£', code: 'GBP') is used by the United Kingdom and most of its overseas territories.

What currency is in use in Monaco?

The currency of Monaco is the Euro (€) Monaco does not produce any Euro notes, but it does produce some coins, primarily for collectors. They have images of their coat of arms and Prince Rainier and Prince Albert.

What is Ireland main language and currency?

Dublin. Euro. prior to the Euro it was the Irish Pound or the "punt" as it was referred to....

How much 1 taka in pound?

Approximately equals 100taka.