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international trade

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Q: Which is a system in which countries buy and sell goods and services across their borders?
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Communist countries have a?

Communism will have to be a worldwide system, with no countries or borders, as well as no classes or government.

Multinational financial system?

A multinational financial system is a system that works across borders. Many multinational financial systems can accommodate many different currencies.

What are some tasks of the government?

Defense of the Country's borders. Maintenance of the justice system, organization of the public service. maintenance of a working infrastructure system. Social services.

What is the economic system?

The Economic System are the means by which countries and governments distribute resources and trade goods and services.

Do countries still use barter system?

No. Barter System was one of the ancient ways of exchange of goods and services. Nowadays cash and currency has replaced the barter system. People usually pay for goods and services in money.

What are the different measurement methods used in different countries?

There are two standard measurement units that are used across the world. Most countries either implore that metric system or what is called the US System.

What are the comparative system in India and Philippines in public administration?

The comparative system in India and the Philippines in public administration is that in both countries offer a variety of outsourcing services.

How did the customary system come about?

Piecemeal, over centuries and from across many countries - although the UK had a disproportionate share of units.

Scientists in all countries use the system of measurement what the answer?

Scientists in all countries use the International System of Units (SI) for measurements. This system provides a universal standard for measuring physical quantities such as length, mass, time, and temperature. It ensures consistency and accuracy in scientific measurements across different countries and disciplines.

What are the borders of a river system?

The borders of a river system are Streams and riverssincerely, Howie Mandell!P.S.JA'da. . . . ,JA'da . . ., JA'da,JA'da, Jing, Jing, jing

Out of the seven continents which are countries?

North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and Antarctica do not equate to countries; rather, they represent continents. Countries are sovereign states with defined borders and their own government system. Examples of countries include the United States, Brazil, France, China, Kenya, Australia, and Iceland.

What mountain system borders India and China?

The himilayas.