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Q: Which current trend tied to increase globalization has the effect of providing an incentive for countries to export more goods?
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monetary incentive is increase ammount of money in economy sector!

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When interventions increase, an incentive is beneficial to help businesses attract buyers. Incentives that can be introduced include free shipping, discounts and gifts.

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Globalization has led to a rapid increase in what?

Population density

Is International Business best described as globalization or international trade?

Both!! Because globalization is a huge factor, it increases communication between different countries, to increase trade! International business covers all aspects of business (accounting, financing, marketing, etc...) but from a multicultural and more diverse aspect

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Overall demand decreases reducing the incentive for producers to increase production

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The process of globalization involves an increase in what?

The mobility of goods, services, labor, and capital

What is incentive bonus?

An incentive bonus is when a person will receive extra money for a job well done. Incentives are used in the workplace to increase employee morale and productivity.

Does globalization increase inequality?

Globalization can contribute to increasing inequality by concentrating wealth among a few individuals or countries with advanced economic systems, while leaving others behind. Factors such as access to technology, education, and resources can further widen the wealth gap. However, globalization also has the potential to lift people out of poverty and improve living standards if policies are in place to ensure fair distribution of benefits.