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In countries that do not have a sustainable economic policy. Zimbabwe for instance.

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Q: Where inflation is high?
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Which was the decade of high inflation and high unemployment?

Which was the decade of high inflation and high unemployment

What is the relationship between CPI and inflation?

CPI is the indicator of inflation in any country.If CPI is high it means inflation is high.

Is inflation caused by high inflation?

no ,but it is caused by econemy

What does the Phillip's Curve illustrate?

A graph that shows that there is a relation between unemployment and inflation: One can either have a high inflation and low unemployment or low inflation with high unemployment.

Can you have both inflation and recession occurring simultaneously?

Yes, it is possible to have both inflation and recession occurring simultaneously. This situation is known as stagflation, where there is a combination of high inflation and high unemployment or economic stagnation.

To help stop high inflation Germany?

Germany implemented policies to help stop high inflation.

When you are earning interest is it better to have high or low rates?

High rates.However, high interest rates are usually a consequence of high inflation rates and so what matters is not the interest rate but the real interest rate which is the nominal interest rate relative to the inflation rate.Thus a 3% interest rate when inflation is 1% is better that a 5% interest rate when inflation is 4%.

A dramatic rise in prices is called?

I believe that this is called high inflation or hyperinflation. Hope this helps.

What is inflation how it will increases?

inflation means the price level is very high in the society. more money chasing few goods that s called inflation .

What effect did Fords economic policy have of the economy?

inflation went down, but unemployment remained high

When GDP growth is high are prices high?

There does not have to be any correlation between the two. High inflation, on the other hand, will decrease purchasing power if salaries don't go up as much as the inflation.

What is better for the economy low inflation or high inflation?

Generally, low inflation is better for society because inflation has costs associated with the reallocation of assets and their value (that is, it costs money for people to change their decisions when inflation changes the value of their goods/services).