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Resource owners get the money from money-income payments ( from firms ) in the form of wages,rent, salaries, interest and profits.

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Immanuel Gibson

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Q: Where do resources owners get the money to buy goods and services in the product market?
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Where do resource owners get the money to buy goods and services in the product market?

Resource owners get the money from money-income payments ( from firms ) in the form of wages,rent, salaries, interest and profits.

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Is the way that business owners use resources to provide the goods and services that people want.

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Resources markets.

Where do resource owners get the money to buy goods and service in the product market?

Resource owners get the money from money-income payments ( from firms ) in the form of wages,rent, salaries, interest and profits.

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Free owners manual may come with the product when it is bought. The manual may also be downloaded from the product's website.

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