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cash crops

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Q: When crops grown to sell rather than be eaten by the growers are called?
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What is commercial crops?

One that's grown to be sold for money rather than to be eaten. (tobacco, cotton)

Can you eat crops?

Yes you can eat crops. They are vegetables and fruits that can be eaten.

What fraction of the worlds crops are eaten by bugs and insects?


If something can be eaten what is it called?

If something can be eaten, it is called edible. Producers (plants) are eaten by animals called herbivores. The herbivores are eaten by carnivores.

What foods were eaten at mission san Rafael arcangel?

Crops: what crops were grown barley,corn,and beans peas,lentils and chickpeas and stews.

What is the difference between subsistence crops and cash crops?

a substance crop is freshly grown wash and eaten , a cash crop is applied with chemicals

What is edible crops?

An edible crop is any crop or plant that someone grows that can be eaten.

Why are some GMO crops classified by the EPA as pesticides?

Some GMO crops are genetically engineered to produce a substance that kills insects when they is eaten by them. It is for that reason that some GMO crops are classified as pesticides by the EPA.

Why do farmers want to harvest ripe quickly?

Farmers harvest their crops quickly to avoid having it been eaten by pest their need the crops to have full nutrition's :~)

A thing which cannot be eaten is called?

If something can not be eaten, it is 'inedible'.

What are cash crops in Brazil?

Crops which are grown specifically to be sold i.e. not to be eaten by the local people. An example of this could be cassava, grown in Brazil and then shipped to Europe for cows to eat.

Do you know why sometimes crops disappear from the field in harvest moon ds?

it can be a stray dog eaten it or it is the next time like spring go to summer and the spring crops will gone